



For most of my adult life I’ve been an (often enthusiastic) health professional in one form or another, from researcher to professor and throughout that time I’ve become increasingly saddened by the somewhat patronising and demeaning depiction of Florence Nightingale (1820 – 1910) as the meek little lady with a lamp, caring for the poor brave soldiers in the Crimea…

She was far, far more than that.  

An activist, campaigner and scientist, responsible for the professionalisation of nursing, which at that period in time was seen with the same lack of respect shown to prostitutes.  She created the first school of nursing at St Thomas’s and is credited for establishing triage of combat casualties to prioritise care delivery based upon need, not military rank. Renowned for being a keen collator and interrogator of data, recognising the link between sanitation and infection – she introduced the radical (at the time) act of hand washing, which revolutionised all aspects of combat casualty care, and she is arguably the main force behind the 1875 Public Health Act.

Florence was not a woman to be trifled with.  It’s reported that she once broke into a medicine cabinet with a hammer after privileged officers had reserved the contents for themselves.

Spending many summers in Matlock, she was a frequent visitor to her grandmother who lived at Tapton Hall here in Sheffield – so we can easily be forgiven for considering her to be a local.

Florence truly deserves far greater recognition than merely being the lady with a lamp.

If you’ve made it this far, this DDH (Double Dry Hopped) Hazy Pale named in tribute to this remarkable woman is a gentle yet full almost sessionable and very drinkable New England style – with quite low carbonation, brewed using an extra pale Maris Otter malt base with some added carapils and golden oats – boasting Amarillo, Cascade and Centennial hops to deliver a vibrant fruity treat that will leave you thinking it’s summer again.

Cheers Florence!